Many people regularly give money to charity . 很多人经常为慈善事业捐款。
A kind man gives money to charity 好心人会将钱捐给慈善机构。
Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 因此拿金钱做慈善更象炫耀性消费而非显耀的善举。
Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 这样,向慈善机构捐款就更类似于一种挥霍而不是炫耀自己的善行。
This poll indicates that more people are willing and able to give money to charities but that funding for education is not a priority for most people 这一调查说明有更多的人愿意而且有能力为慈组织捐款,但资助教育并不是人们的首选。